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Let's Get Acquainted

To make the documentation easier to follow, the base URL will be omitted from endpoint paths. Base URLs can be found in the Base URLs section.


All endpoints require authentication unless otherwise specified. To authenticate, you must send an Authorization header with your request. The value of the header should be your API key.


The following key is for demonstration purposes only, it does not work, but will be used throughout the documentation for examples.

Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiVGhlIGV4YW1wbGUgdG9rZW4gZm9yIGRvY3MuYWxla2VhZ2xlLm1lIiwic3ViIjoiMTY0NzAxNTAyODYyNiIsImlhdCI6MTY4NzA2NzYxNCwiZXhwIjoyMDAyNjQzNjE0fQ.qAwhjhtGT56iAI52EsdVYcaTjmLPeR51TALkJ1CwRlfyDHwrsOTzAe8Y3za_tJqkvSaohwQq4cD7lZbTzMSw8Q

Rate Limiting

Cumulonimbus has a rate limit of 100 requests per 1 minute unless otherwise specified. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.

Rate Limit Headers

Cumulonimbus will send the following headers with every response:

RateLimit-LimitThe maximum number of requests you can make per allotted time.
RateLimit-RemainingThe number of requests you have left for this allotted time.
RateLimit-ResetThe time in seconds until the rate limit resets.

User IDs

User IDs are 13-digit numbers that uniquely identify a user (Fun fact: they're actually just the UNIX timestamp of when the user was created). When an endpoint mentions something about a user ID, it's referring to the 13-digit number.

You used to be able to provide your ID interchangeably with the keyword me, but this is no longer the case. Requesting data with a user ID, regardless of whether it's your own or someone else's, will result in an InsufficientPermissions error.

Kill Switches

Kill switches prevent the use of certain features of the API. For more information on kill switches, see Kill Switches for a list of kill switches and their effects. Specific endpoints will also have information on how kill switches affect them. All endpoints are affected by the GLOBAL(8) kill switch and is omitted from specific endpoint documentation to avoid redundancy.

Non-Public Endpoints

All non-public endpoints will return the EndpointRequiresSecondFactor error. This is to prevent users who are already staff without at least one second factor registered from accessing sensitive endpoints until they register a second factor.

Your First Request

Making a request of any type to the API's base URL ( will return a JSON object with the following structure:

  "hello": "world",
  "version": "5.0.0"

This is a simple way to check if the API is online and responding to requests and also works for the thumbnail API (

Made with ❤️ by Alek Evans (AlekEagle)