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Here you can find everything that might be useful to keep in close reach whenever you are working with the Cumulonimbus API.

Base URLs

The base URL for API endpoints:


The base URL for fetching thumbnails:


The base URL for fetching user-generated content:


Kill Switches

The Cumulonimbus API has a number of kill switches that can be toggled on and off by users with staff permissions. These switches can be used to disable certain features of the API in the event of an emergency or to prevent abuse. Kill switches do not affect users with staff permissions. These kill switches are not intended to be used as a solution to long-term problems, but rather as a temporary measure to prevent abuse or to mitigate the impact of an emergency.

  • ACCOUNT_CREATE(0) - Disables the creation of new accounts.
  • ACCOUNT_MODIFY(1) - Disables the ability to modify existing accounts.
  • ACCOUNT_DELETE(2) - Disables the ability to delete accounts.
  • ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFY(3) - Disables the ability to request email verification emails. (This does not affect system emails that are not related to email verification, e.g. account ban notifications.)
  • ACCOUNT_LOGIN(4) - Disables the ability to log in.
  • FILE_CREATE(5) - Disables the ability to upload files.
  • FILE_MODIFY(6) - Disables the ability to modify files.
  • FILE_DELETE(7) - Disables the ability to delete files.
  • GLOBAL(8) - Disables ALL API endpoints. This is the most severe kill switch and prevents all API requests from being processed. This switch should only be used in the most severe of emergencies.

For more information on kill switches, see the Kill Switch Endpoints documentation. Specific endpoints will also have information on how kill switches affect them.

Second Factor Authentication

The Cumulonimbus API supports two-factor authentication (2FA) using the following methods:

  • Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP)
  • WebAuthn (FIDO2)
  • Backup Codes

SMS and Email OTPs

SMS and email based second factors are not, and will never be officially supported by the Cumulonimbus development team. The reasoning for this is that SMS based OTPs are vulnerable to SIM card hijacking and email based OTPs are only as secure as your email provider and your account with them. This decision is final and to maintain security of the platform.

Identity Reverification

Scoped Sessions

This authentication flow does NOT apply to scoped sessions. They do not need to provide a password in the body, and will not receive multi-factor authentication challenges.

Some endpoints require the user to reverify their identity, depending on your account's security settings, it may be a multi-step process. The following steps are taken to reverify the user's identity:

  1. The user makes a request to an endpoint that requires reverification (e.g. PUT /users/me/username) with the required parameters, as well as their password in the body.
  2. If you:
    1. Do not have a second factor enabled, your request will complete successfully, and you will not need to take any further action.
    2. Do have a second factor enabled, you will receive a SecondFactorChallengeRequired with all of the required data to complete the challenge.
  3. The user makes a second request to the same endpoint, with the required parameters, as well as a 2fa object in the body containing the required data to complete the challenge, your password is not required in this request. Using PUT /users/me/username as an example, the body would look like this:
  "2fa": {
    "token": "the token",
    "type": "totp",
    "code": "123456", // Present for types 'totp' or 'backup'
    "response": {
      // WebAuthn response data. (Only present for 'webauthn' type)
  // Parameters required for the endpoint
  "username": "new-username"
  1. Assuming the response to the second factor challenge is valid and the response token has not expired, your request will complete successfully.

Session Scopes

The Cumulonimbus API allows for the creation of sessions with specific scopes. These sessions are special in that they do not require the user to reverify their credentials or second factor(s) when making requests to the API. Instead, the session is used to determine the user's permissions and access level. Sessions with scopes are useful for creating long-lived sessions that have specific permissions, such as for automated tasks or administrative purposes. Making a request an endpoint that requires a scope that the session does not have will result in a InsufficientPermissions error.

Scope NameBitmaskDescription
ALL1Grants access to all endpoints. This scope should be used with caution, as it effectively grants full access to the API without the need to reverify the user's credentials or second factor(s).
UPLOAD_FILE2Grants access to the file upload endpoint.
ACCOUNT_READ4Grants access to read account information. This does not include the ability to view other sessions or view second factor information.
ACCOUNT_MODIFY8Grants access to modify account information. This does not include the ability to modify other sessions or second factor information.
SECOND_FACTOR_READ16Grants access to read second factor information. There is no scope for modifying second factors with a scoped session.
SESSION_READ32Grants access to read session information.
SESSION_MODIFY64Grants access to modify session information. Includes the ability to revoke sessions.
FILE_READ128Grants access to read information about files uploaded by the user.
FILE_MODIFY256Grants access to modify files uploaded by the user. Includes the ability to delete files.
STAFF_READ_ACCOUNTS512Grants access to read account information for all users. This does not include the ability to view other sessions or view second factor information. This scope and all following scopes require the user to have staff permissions.
STAFF_MODIFY_ACCOUNTS1024Grants access to modify account information for all users. This does not include the ability to modify other sessions or second factor information.
STAFF_READ_SECOND_FACTORS2048Grants access to read second factor information for all users.
STAFF_MODIFY_SECOND_FACTORS4096Grants access to modify second factor information for all users.
STAFF_READ_SESSIONS8192Grants access to read session information for all users.
STAFF_MODIFY_SESSIONS16384Grants access to modify session information for all users.
STAFF_READ_FILES32768Grants access to read information about files uploaded by all users.
STAFF_MODIFY_FILES65536Grants access to modify files uploaded by all users. Includes the ability to delete files.
STAFF_MODIFY_DOMAINS131072Grants access to modify domain information.
STAFF_MODIFY_INSTRUCTIONS262144Grants access to modify instruction information.
STAFF_MODIFY_KILLSWITCHES524288Grants access to modify kill switch information.

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